by denise | Sep 24, 2020 | Uncategorized
Our cellar door/bistro is open normal hours at a maximum of 26-27 people. Bookings are highly recommended—and for tastings as well, as we have to juggle the number of people in our space and don’t like having to turn people away. We have four new wines on tasting:...
by denise | Jul 16, 2020 | Uncategorized
We have been back since June, and can take around 26 patrons at any one time. We have a full winter menu and do seated tastings of our range of wines, including our new fortified red (‘port’) released recently. It has become more or less essential to make a booking...
by denise | May 29, 2020 | Uncategorized
Hi, we can at last open our bistro, provided we meet certain conditions relating to social distancing (4 sq m a person, no groups over 10) and how food is served (no share platters, alas). We can also provide seated wine tastings (no standing at the bar). We calculate...
by denise | Mar 23, 2020 | Uncategorized
Hi, we had promised to re-open our bistro on Saturday 28 March 2020 but will now not be able to do so due to government COVID-19 restrictions. Our cellar door will be closed on the weekend of 28-29 March and re-open on the weekend of 4-5 April for bottle sales only,...
by denise | Jan 25, 2020 | Uncategorized
Going for a holiday! Our bistro will be closed from Saturday 1 February 2020, reopening on Saturday 28 March 2020. The cellar door will be open over this period on the usual days, from 11 to 4. Our existing accommodation bookings will be honoured, but no new bookings...
by denise | Dec 21, 2019 | Uncategorized
The bistro is open for light lunches over the extended holiday period. Our wine sale continues, so come out for some great bargains.